To go directly from the heart of Mary to the heart of Jesus!


Dear friends, we have finally arrived at the month of May which is considered the Marian Month par excellence!

We would like to start our meditation with the very words of the Virgin of Revelation: “The Hail Mary’s that you say with faith and love are like golden arrows to the heart of Jesus.” Therefore, we only need to think of how much honour we give to the heart of Jesus when we recite the Holy Rosary. However, if we really reflect for a moment we can ask ourselves how often do we really send golden arrows of love to Jesus’ heart as opposed to hurling arrows that are loaded with our sins and ingratitude? How do we behave before that heart that has loved us so much? Therefore, we have His Mother, She who loved Him more than any other, and who makes those invocations addressed to her ‘gold plaited’ before they are presented to Her Son’s heart.

Like every Mother who would give everything for her Son, Mary wants to give Jesus the gift that He desires most, the salvation of souls. Therefore, prayer has great power as it is for the good of souls. Firstly, it is to the benefit of our own soul and then to the good of the others for whom we intercede. Prayer is a great collaboration in charity! Who knows who has prayed for our intentions and what benefit our prayers have brought to others. This is the economy of love in the Mystical Body of the Church, this is the way to love one another! During the month of May, that is dedicated to Mary we invite you to always pray the Holy Rosary with love remembering that Marian promise that the one who prays the Rosary every day will be saved. Sometime we may be distracted whilst we say the Rosary but we must remember the encouragement that Blessed John XXXIII gave to us, “it is better to say a Rosary with some distractions than to not say it at all”.

There are many opportunities for reciting the Holy Rosary: in the car, on the bus, whilst we are walking. We should also consider the great testimony that we are giving to others that we meet if we pray during a traffic jam, or on a crowded bus. We must remember that the Lord also uses these mundane acts in order to convert the hardened of heart.

Cling to the Rosary! Make the recitation of the Rosary a family tradition and you will see that by living under Mary’s mantle it will give you a new life and you will feel the great patronage of our Heavenly Mother.

After having prayed the Holy Rosary, we can be assured that we have prepared those golden arrows, of which the Virgin of Revelation speaks, that are directed to Jesus’ heart. Nothing can stop these arrows of love because they are a respiration from the soul that reaches the most beautiful place in heaven, the Most Holy Heart of Jesus.

Sweet Heart of Jesus, grant me the grace to love you more and more.
Heart of Mary, like unto the Heart of Jesus, pray for us.

God Bless Us
And The Virgin Protect Us