
Show me who I am!

After completing my studies I started my career but after a few years I found myself unemployed. The loss of the career that I had worked so hard to achieve caused a great crisis in my life. With great determination I decided to take further studies so that I could find work. Every day I attended Mass, […]

Ludovica, aged 19 has become a little ‘green’ Missionary!

Everything started with Ludovica’s preparation for Confirmation… she felt that the time had arrived, the time was right…whilst continuing to study for her exams she decided to share our life, to see first-hand what the religious life was all about. Ludovica accompanied us on our mission to Argentina and Mexico, she followed our catechesis in […]

Lord, teach us how to pray!

  Let us follow the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI’s catechesis on the theme of prayer: Christian Prayer The Holy Father’s catechesis on prayer in the ancient civilisations. Click here to read more…    Catechesis on Prayer God has placed in all men the desire for God which is expressed through prayer… Click here to […]

Jesus in St Joseph’s Workshop

In the month of March, we would like to turn our attention to one of the greatest figures in the story of the Church: St Joseph. The liturgy immediately helps us to comprehend the calibre of this great Saint because lent is interrupted in order to celebrate the feast dedicated to Jesus’ foster father. Just […]

A Star That Announces A Prophecy

Where? Let’s go below the ground to look at the Churches first historic archive, to relive the authentic message of the Creed of the first Christians. We descend into St Priscilla’s Catacombs in the Via Salaria, Rome. The Catacombs are a place of rest. In naming their burial grounds the first Christians used a vocabulary […]

The Baby Jesus in the Arms of the Madonna of Foligno

In 1511 Sigismondo de Conti, a humanist who was the secretary of Pope Julius II, commissioned Raphael to produce an altar piece for Santa Maria Aracoeli in the Campidoglio in Rome. In 1515, the altar piece was sent to Foligno to be placed in St Anne’s Monastery. In 1797 that same altar piece was taken […]

The obelisk recounts…

When pilgrims meet in St. Peter’s square they usually arrange to: “Meet under the obelisk!”. This great Egyptian monument is really a sundial which is delineated by the colonnade designed by Gianlorenzo Bernini from 1956 to 1667. The obelisk is a great monolithic monument which is made of red granite and stands more than 25 […]

A New Creation In Christ: The Lateran Baptistery

The Lateran Baptistery which stands adjacent to St John Lateran’s Basilica in Rome and is also known as ‘San Giovanni in Fonte’ was the first Baptistery to be constructed after freedom of worship was granted to Christians by the Emperor Constantine with promulgation of the Edict of Milan in 313. The Baptistery stands on the […]