First Saturday Meditation: Blasphemies against images of Our Lady


On the 6th May 2017, we complete the fifth in the series of the five first Saturday’s devotion in reparation for offences caused to Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart.  We have completed the five first Saturday’s exactly as Our Lady requested!  Today, we complete our devotions to Our Lady but we are also invited to continue to console Our Lady’s Immaculate heart on the first Saturday of each Month.  Sr Lucia revealed that when she had completed the five first Saturdays, she began the “lovable reparatory devotion” again, since it is a question of “consoling our Heavenly Mother” and interceding so effectively for the salvation of souls.  Through her example of how to practice devotion to Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart, Sr Lucia invites us to continue our devotions on every first Saturday of the month!
Theotokos San Marco VeniceThis month we meditate on the fifth blasphemy against Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart which is the direct offences caused to her by the attacks against her holy images.  When we see a picture of those we love, it brings them to mind and causes us to recall their importance in our lives.  It is natural for us to honour holy images of Our Lady because they have a threefold purpose: firstly, they teach us the Gospel message and the fact that Mary’s “yes” resulted in the incarnation of the Son of God for our Salvation.  Secondly, they remind us of these mysteries and Our Lady’s role in God’s plan of Salvation.  Just imagine how often you think of Our Lady when you see a sacred image of her.  Finally, they recall Our Heavenly Mother’s example and love for us which inspires us to imitate her great virtues and love for Her Son.  Since it naturally follows that we love that which we know best, holy images of Our Lady facilitate the contemplation of her life and example such that she can impress on our lives the imitation of her virtues and love of Her Son.

With such a powerful aid, it is not surprising that the devil has done all he can to remove images of Our Lady from existence so that he can remove her from the heart and devotion of the faithful.  Through the centuries, there have been many who have questioned devotion to Our Lady and the legitimacy of images that depict her and her life.  However, the Second Vatican Council reminds us that, “It is right that Mary should have from the Church the honour of a special cult.  She has been raised by God’s grace to a position second to her Son above all angels and men […] the effect of these forms of piety is that, while honour is paid to the Mother, due recognition, love and glory is given to the Son on whose account all things exist” (Lumen Gentium n. 66)

Blasphemies against Our Lady’s Images

A blasphemy is committed against images of Our Lady when:Our Lady of Fatima

•    Images or statues are destroyed in an irreligious way with the intent of disrespecting Our Lady;
•    Images of the Virgin Mary are profaned;
•    The Virgin Mary is ridiculed in popular culture
•    Christians refuse to give due honour to an image of Our Lady.

Ways to make reparation:

Say the prayer of Consecration to Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart before an image or statue of Our Lady of Fatima.

This devotion was a preparation for the consecration to Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart that you are invited to say on the 13th May 2017 as a way of celebrating the 100th anniversary of Our Lady’s apparition in Fatima in 1917.